Double Confusion
Double Confusion. Frank Thring, known around the world as the King of Kink, delivers a tantalizing tale of mistaken indentities as two glamorous Hollywood actresses, played by Dru Berrymore and Harmony Grant, are plunged into the whirlwind that is the Cannes Film Festival. The women, one representing mainstream movies and the other from the world of adult films, have been invited by different producers. Kevin Long, a French producer, somehow confuses the two and introduces the naïve Harmony to the contingent of perversely passionate fetish fanatics - much to her own chargrin, she seems to relish the confusion!.
Views: 45
Category: Porn Movies
Studio: Private
Release: 1999
Pornstars: C.G. Summer, Caroline Cage, Dick Nasty, Dru Berrymore, Frank Gunn, Harmony Grant, John Walton, Katalyn, Kevin Long, Nicole Thompson, Niki Blond, Rob Scott, Vanessa Freeman
Genres: '90s, Anal, Classic, European, Feature, International
Movie Tags: Confusion, Confusion Double, Double, Double Confusion
Keywords: C.G. Summer, Caroline Cage, Dick Nasty, Dru Berrymore, Frank Gunn, Harmony Grant, John Walton, Katalyn, Kevin Long, Nicole Thompson, Niki Blond, Rob Scott, Vanessa Freeman, Porn Movies, Private, Double, Confusion Double, Confusion, Double Confusion, '90s, Anal, Classic, European, Feature, International, 1999 , Double Confusion C.G. Summer, Caroline Cage, Dick Nasty, Dru Berrymore, Frank Gunn, Harmony Grant, John Walton, Katalyn, Kevin Long, Nicole Thompson, Niki Blond, Rob Scott, Vanessa Freeman, Porn Movies, Private, Confusion Double, Double, Double Confusion, Confusion, '90s, Anal, Classic, European, Feature, International, 1999 , Double Confusion